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The question of tax crimes, committed in the framework of the Eurasian economic Union (EEU) This article examines post-Soviet countries, which for the successful development of the economy agreed to establish a Customs Union and a single customs territory, joining the Eurasian economic Union (EEU). The creation of a unified customs space has led not only to the free movement of goods and capital, but also to the emergence of illegal circuits of VAT receipts and evasion of taxes and fees. These circumstances contributed to the development of transnational tax crimes, for which it is necessary to organize interaction between law-enforcement agencies of the countries members of the Union. Approaches to the regulation of real estate activities in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union The article presents the results of a comparative legal analysis of state laws regulating real estate activities in the Russian Federation, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Armenia. The conducted research allows to distinguish three approaches to the regulation of real estate activity: civil, administrative-legal and liberal.
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The results of the study can be used to harmonize the legislation regulating real estate activities in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union. Burkina Faso vs. Mali boundary dispute and its importance in determining and affirming uti possidetis principle’s role Uti possidetis originating from Roman jus civile was transformed into a principle of interstate relations dealing with a transformation of former administrative borders into international boundaries of the newly independent states in Latin America in XX century. However, the principle was also effectively applied in other continents including Africa.
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Burkina Faso vs. Mali territorial dispute considered by the UN International Court of Justice became a landmark case for determining and affirming uti possidetis’ role as one of the principles of International Law. This paper analyses the Burkina Faso vs. Mali case and the ICJ’s position on uti possidetis principle. International legal acts about the peculiarities of execution of the penalty of imprisonment women with young children The issues of implementation of international norms in the field of protection and protection of motherhood and childhood, especially this category of women who are serving sentences in the form of imprisonment and have children in the homes of children with IU, are rarely discussed by the scientific community because of their specificity. The importance and urgency of the problem of keeping convicted women with their young children in prisons is recognized by all states of the world.
At the same time, the attitude to legal regulation and organization of the content of this category of women in such specific conditions is very ambiguous. A lot of questions are also faced by the Russian UIS, in the sphere of activity of which lies the fate of the convicted mother and her young child while serving a real imprisonment. International legal documents dealing with various aspects of this problem can serve as a 'model' of legal regulation of relations during the detention of convicted women with young children in places of deprivation of liberty in individual states, including Russia. Identifying these principles as the basis of ensuring the indivisibility of a constitutive element of the state territory, the author gives the definition and nature of disputed territories and territorial disputes.
The author speaks of the need to resolve territorial disputes and comes to the conclusion that the resolution of territorial disputes cannot be achieved without the formation of common approaches to constitutional law and the international legal understanding of the principle of territorial integrity. Among the ways of resolving territorial disputes, the following: the solution of the dispute through negotiations between the parties, recourse to third party mediation, problem. Solving disputed territory in a judicial proceeding. The more drastic measure of solving this problem is to appeal to the court. The most efficient way of resolving the territorial dispute is the treatment of the disputing parties or by one party to the UN international court. The author's definition of the territorial dispute boils down to understanding it as an unresolved disagreement between two or more subjects of international law (often States) with regard to territorial waters, the continental shelf or state borders to the direct jurisdiction of a subject of international law.
Equivalence as a Material Condition for Authorization to Retaliate within the WTO This article deals with the issue of equivalence of retaliation to the damage caused by the violation of WTO obligations. If the recommendations of the Dispute Settlement Body were not duly implemented within the reasonable period of time, the DSB can authorize the suspension of concessions upon the request of the “winning” party. The level of suspension of concessions shall be equivalent to the level of nullification and impairment. Cd check 3 1 14 0 serial number. The author makes a conclusion that the content of the standard of equivalence is rather vague.