Ecological Problems Of Kazakhstan Topic S Perevodom
Made by student of 83’s school 11A from Bauyrzhan Serikuly Environmental problem is one of the global issues in the contemporary international relations. According to expert conclusions, environmental situation in several regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan nowadays is not only unfavorable, but even catastrophic.
E cological problems of kazakhstan. Lead and its toxic compounds are dangerous environmental pollutants. Spanish lambretta serial numbers list. The influence of these substances on the health of human beings, especially children, who are the most vulnerable to the harmful impact of lead, is worthy of special study, for the following reasons. People's Republic of China and Kazakhstan. Outline Topic: Kazakhstan General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the geography of Kazakhstan and its two biggest cities Almaty and Astana. Main points: I. Geography of Kazakhstan II.
Email discussion lists for the UK Education and Research communities EAST-WEST-RESEARCH Archives EAST-WEST-RESEARCH@JISCMAIL.AC.UK View: Message: [ ] By Topic: [ First Previous Next Last ] By Author: [ First Previous ] Font: Options Subject: From: 'Andrew Jameson' Reply-To: Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 17:14:00 +0100 Content-Type: text/plain Parts/Attachments: (802 lines) I thought colleagues might be interested in the CD versions of the statistical handbooks listed here. I use Panorama of Russia myself and find them very convenient. Andrew Jameson Chair, Russian Committee, ALL Languages and Professional Development 1 Brook Street, Lancaster LA1 1SL UK Tel: 1 (+44 1524 32371) ---------- From: Panorama of Russia To: Recipient list suppressed Subject: Catalog Supplement #140 Date: 22 August 1999 22:43 Issue #140, 22 August, 1999 PANORAMA OF RUSSIA specializes in non-fiction, predominantly reference publications from Russia and the New Independent States. These include books, periodicals, manuscripts, CD's and other electronic products from academic and commercial publishers. The fields we cover are philosophy and religion, government and politics, military and legal affairs, humanities, literary history and criticism, history, and social sciences. We can be found on the world wide web at, where we have our full catalog, including books and 3,000 periodicals.
****************************************************************************** STATISTICAL HANDBOOKS IN ELECTRONIC FORMAT. The following are GosKomStat handbooks on CD-ROM or diskette. Some are published in both formats.
We do not stock these items, so they must be prepaid, and we will order them. ****************************************************************************** 013256D-99 Regiony Rossii.: Statisticheskii Sbornik. 1999 [Regions of Russia: Statistical handbook. Moscow: Goskomstat, 1999. CD-ROM, Diskette. CD-ROM $100.00.
Diskette $75.00 Will be published by the end of 1999. This handbook contains the major economic and social statistical indicators for Russia since 1985 and since 1990 by economic regions. It consists of two volumes. Includes primary statistical information about the regions for 1985-1998: demographic and ecological situation, employment, income, characteristics of industrial and other organizations, small business, and privatization. There are chapters on separate industries, science, R&D, housing, culture, etc. 011160D-97 Rossiia '97: Statisticheskii Ezhegodnik [Russia '97: Statistical yearbook].
Moscow: GosKomStat, 1998. Ill., tables. $19.00 Published. The handbook includes statistical information on the socio-economic state of Russia in 1997 in comparison with the previous year.
011160D-98 Russia-98: Statistical annual. Moscow: GosKomStat, 1998. $19.00 Published. 011292D-98 Stroitel'stvo v Rossii: 1998: Ofitsial'noe Izdanie: Statisticheskii Sbornik [Construction in Russia: 1998: Official publication: Statistical handbook]. By O.P Rybak. Moscow: Goskomstat, 1998.
Ill., tables. $39.00 Published. This handbook includes official statistics on investment and construction activities in 1997. 013256D-98 Regiony Rossii: Statisticheskii Sbornik.
1998 [Regions of Russia: Statistical handbook. Moscow: Goskomstat, 1998. CD-ROM, Diskette. CD-ROM $95.00.
Diskette $75.00 Published. The handbook consists of two volumes. This second volume includes primary statistical information about the regions for 1985-1997: the demographic and ecological situation, employment, income, characteristics of industrial and other organizations, small business, and privatization. There are chapters on separate industries, science, R&D, housing, culture, etc.
013392D Naselenie Rossii za 100 Let (1897-1997): Statisticheskii Sbornik = The Population of Russia: 1897-1997: Statistical Handbook. Iurkov et al. Moscow: GosKomStat, 1998. In English and Russian. $45.00 Published.
This publication is arranged for the centenary of the first General Population Census in the Russian Empire, and highlights the main returns of all population censuses which succeeded this historical event, together with vital events statistics and population movement. 013393D-98 Belarus' i Rossiia. 1998: Statisticheskii Sbornik [Belorussia and Russia.