Motif Batik Cdr Electronics Oklahoma

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Ce Cecil Cecilia Cecropia moth Cecrops Cedar Rapids Celaeno Celanese Celebes Celestial City Celestial Empire Cellini Celluloid Celsius Celsius scale Celt Celt. Celtic Celtic cross Cenis Cenozoic Centaurus Central African Empire Central African Federation Central America Central Intelligence Agency Central Powers Central Treaty Organization. Cleaner production options for reducing industrial waste: the case of batik industry. The district of Sidoarjo in East Java reported a low case detection rate (CDR) of. The motif objects are things that can be found in Banyuwangi area such. Developed an innovative design for interoperable and future-proof Electronic.

An Indonesian batik Batik is a technique of applied to whole cloth, or cloth made using this technique, originated from, Batik is made either by drawing dots and lines of the resist with a spouted tool called a canting, or by printing the resist with a stamp called a cap. The applied wax resists dyes and therefore allows the artisan to colour selectively by soaking the cloth in one colour, removing the wax with boiling, and repeating if multiple colours are desired. A tradition of making batik is found in various countries; the batik of, however, may be the best-known. Indonesian batik made in the island of has a long history of, with diverse patterns influenced by a variety of cultures, and is the most developed in terms of pattern, technique, and the quality of workmanship.

In October 2009, designated Indonesian batik as a. Category Pattern of clothes of 13th century East Javanese statue resembles batik Wax resist dyeing of fabric is an ancient art form. It already existed in in the 4th century BC, where it was used to wrap mummies; linen was soaked in wax, and scratched using a stylus. In Asia, the technique was practised in China during the (618-907 AD), and in India and Japan during the (645-794 AD). In Africa it was originally practised by the tribe in Nigeria, and in Senegal. These African version however, uses starch or rice paste, or mud as a resist instead of.

The art of batik is most highly developed in the island of in. In Java, all the materials for the process are readily available — cotton and beeswax and plants from which different vegetable dyes are made. Indonesian batik predates written records: G. Rouffaer argues that the technique might have been introduced during the 6th or 7th century from India or Sri Lanka. On the other hand, the Dutch archaeologist J.L.A. Brandes and the Indonesian archaeologist F.A.

Sutjipto believe Indonesian batik is a native tradition, since other regions in Indonesia such as,,, and, which were not directly influenced by Hinduism, have an age-old tradition of batik making. Rouffaer reported that the gringsing pattern was already known by the 12th century in,. He concluded that this delicate pattern could be created only by using the, an etching tool that holds a small reservoir of hot wax, and proposed that the canting was invented in Java around that time. The carving details of clothes worn by East Javanese statues from around the 13th century show intricate floral patterns within rounded margins, similar to today's traditional Javanese jlamprang or ceplok batik motif.