Neo Geo Rom Ng Sfix Romans

Leave a comment in mame4all - what and where to put exactly? This topic has been deleted. Only users with topic management privileges can see it. @SteffenMB For mame4all (037b5) your should have the following files: neo-geo.rom, ng-sfix.rom, ng-sm1.rom and your should have: mslug_c1.rom, mslug_c2.rom, mslug_c3.rom, mslug_c4. Nov 21, 2000 - ng-sfix.rom: 354029fc 131072 In *** ng-sm1.rom: 97cf998b 131072 In im_p1.rom: 6d536c6e 2097152 In

This sentence makes zero sense if you sit to think about it. 'Infinite Quarters' are there whether you have save states or not Completing metal slugs, alien vs predator, final fight, street fighter, strider, rampage, ghould n ghosts, heck LOADS of games take ALOT longer than 5 minutes. If you played ghould n ghosts for 5 minutes at a time, you would forever be playing the first level.

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Neo Geo Rom Ng Sfix Romans

What is the point in that? Yes, it is inconclusive, save states ARE needed.

However i have some unfortunate news, MAME4ALL will NEVER have save states, since it is based on a version of MAME that doesnt have them either. Our only hope is to see what magic Tiger King can produce.