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Makar Sankranti is celebrated with great joy all over Maharashtra. Here are few selected Marathi Makar Sankranti SMSes, Greetings, Greeting cards.

Considering the marks the beginning of the gradual increase of the duration of the day. Scientifically, the shortest day of the year is around December 21–22 after which the days begin to get longer, hence actual Winter Solstice begins on December 21 or December 22 when the tropical sun enters Makara rashi. Hence actual Uttarayana is December 21. This was the actual date of Makar Sakranti too. But because of the Earth's of 23.45 degrees and sliding of, occurs.

This has caused Makara Sankranti to slide further over the ages. A thousand years ago, Makar Sankranti was on December 31 and is now on January 14. Five thousand years later, it shall be by the end of February, while in 9,000 years it shall come in June. Makar Sankranti is a major celebrated in various parts of India. According to the lunar calendar, when the sun moves from the to the or from Dakshinayana to Uttarayana, in the month of in mid-January, it commemorates the beginning of the harvest season and cessation of the northeast monsoon in South India. The movement of the Sun from one zodiac sign into another is called Sankranti and as the Sun moves into the Capricorn zodiac known as Makar in Hindi, this occasion is named as Makar Sankranti in the Indian context. It is one of the few Hindu Indian festivals which are celebrated on a fixed date i.e.

14 January every year (or may be sometimes on 15 January (leap year)). Makar Sankranti, apart from a harvest festival is also regarded as the beginning of an auspicious phase in Indian culture. It is said as the 'holy phase of transition'. It marks the end of an inauspicious phase which according to the Hindu calendar begins around mid-December. It is believed that any auspicious and sacred ritual can be sanctified in any Hindu family, this day onwards.

Scientifically, this day marks the beginning of warmer and longer days compared to the nights. In other words, Sankranti marks the termination of winter season and beginning of a new harvest or spring season. All over the country, Makar Sankranti is observed with great fanfare. However, it is celebrated with distinct names and rituals in different parts of the country. In the states of northern and western India, the festival is celebrated as the Sankranti day with special zeal and fervor.

The importance of this day has been signified in the ancient epics like Mahabharata also. So, apart from socio-geographical importance, this day also holds a historical and religious significance. As it is the festival of Sun God and he is regarded as the symbol divinity and wisdom, the festival also holds an eternal meaning to it.

It is also customary to do during these festivities in the state of Andhra Pradesh (telugu speaking). A day before the Makara Sankranthi, people in villages start their day with bon fires celebrating the shift in seasons.

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Little kids bring garlands made with cow dung patties and burn in the asking for longevity and fulfillment of their wishes to the fire God. Later the kids will be given with a Bhogi Pallu (a special mixture of gooseberries, rice, coins) shower and aarthi for better health and prosperity. On the next day of Makara Sankranthi, Kanuma Day is observed where all farmer equipment and farm animals are decorated and prayed for better crops. On the same day all Shiva temples celebrate a special OOrerigimpu (a procession of God through the village) on special vahana (vehicle or transpad) called prabhalu. Name Sankranti is celebrated all over South Asia with some regional variations. It is known by different names and celebrated with different customs in different parts of the country. In India it is known by different regional names • Makar Sankranti or Sankranti -,,,,,,,,,,,,,.