Script Q Serial Number

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Starting in 1977, Gibson adopted the current date-based serial system which codes for the year and day of production. The first number of the sequence indicates the decade of production, followed by the three digit day of the year, and finally the year. For example, the serial number 90237XXX corresponds to a production date of 1/23/97. Here the serial number can be located in two different locations (locations 1 and 2 seen. Q-global is Pearson's new web-based platform for test administration,.
How are you planning on matching the computer name to the serial number? Do you have that listed in AD or are you looking this up somewhere else? I have an AutoIt script that looks up the PC Serial Number using WMI then queries our K1000 for the computer name in our asset table then removes the computer from Active Directory. We use it to remove the computer from AD because sometimes the computer needs to be added to a different OU after reimaging and our script to add the computer to the domain will fail if it's not in the correct OU. It will also set the computername in the unattend.xml file before rebooting so the computer has the right name when coming out of sysprep. If your intrested I could post what I have, it is still a work in progress and was recently rewritten but seems to be working good so far.